This past week I started training for my 10K that I am running on Memorial Day with Mary. I ran 3 times and ran about 2 miles each time. So this morning I wasn't sure if I could do 3 miles without stopping. I kept telling my brother that I hoped I would even finish. He was pretty worried about me.
There weren't a lot of people at the race. There were about 45 people there. I ended up doing better than I expected.... but I know I have a long way to go. I have to do double of what I did today in 1 month.
I ran without stopping, and by ran I mean jogged. I finished in 33 minutes. So I averaged about an 11 minute mile. My goal for my 10K is a 10 minute mile or less. I'm glad I was able to do this with my brother. He did awesome and we only ran together for the first 3 seconds before he left me. He ran it in 25 minutes or so.
Dan and some of his friends that told him about the run. The girl in the black shirt was just ahead of me the whole time and it was nice to pace off of her.
Wish I had taken a pre pic when I looked somewhat decent.
Is it the 10K in Orem on May 29th that you are training for? Cassidy and I are planning on doing that one.
Yes! That's the one. I am pretty nervous, but if I keep training I'm sure I'll make it. The most I have ever run is 4 miles...
Wow! Good for you! My husband talked me into running with him yesterday. I was ready to be done after 6 blocks. Haha.
I'm so impressed! I'm definitely not a runner but I wish I was. (By the way, I'm not surprised you were one of the first ones there, you're always on time!)
Good job Alyse! Im way proud of you!
THat is so awesome Alyse! YOu are motivating me to get off my post-baby hiney and start moving!
YEAH! Don't you love races?! Come do the Speedy Spainard with me this July! I am SLOW, but I finish!
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