1. I loved it because I wore a sweatshirt and shorts
2. I wore my hair in a wet bun, because that's what lifeguards do
3. I was able to blow my whistle at running kids in the hall
4. I used some white paint at school to put on some "sunscreen"
I was told by a student from last year that my costume last year was better.... but I am all about comfort now. haha.
That night we went and had a Halloween dinner with Matthew, Emily, and Max. This is a favorite tradition of mine. We had dinner in a pumpkin, which was awesome! We made pumpkins out of rice krispy treats, had pumpkin trivia, played games, and ooogled over how cute little Max was in his monkey costume.
(Bob wasn't thrilled about dressing up, I convinced him to do something and he wore his bald cap, that he had from a class where he pretended to be Dr. Phil....)
We had a record number of trick or treaters on Saturday night. 5 to be exact and that was 2 doorbell rings. We left at 7:30 to play games with our neighbors. It was a nice and relaxing weekend!
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