Friday, May 1, 2009

Special Visitor in Room 202

Yesterday my class was in for a treat. They have been waiting 3 months to meet Bob, and he finally made his way over to my school. I have been getting letters from my students asking me when Bob would come, so I didn't tell the yesterday that he was coming--- In case he didn't make it. Because I didn't want to disappoint them. Right before lunch, the kids were working quietly on their math. In walked Bob, and they all just stared. When we lined up for lunch, I introduced him and they were excited to go to lunch with him.

Bob was excited for the 3rd grade lunch menu which was corn dogs. We ate with some of my 3rd graders and some kids were really loud and crazy, others were shy around him. After we finished we went out side and played with the kids. Bob played basketball with some of the boys and I played volleyball with the girls.

We decided to play a little trick and rearranged the desks while the kids finished up their recess. It was fun to put them in a new arrangement, and the kids all freaked out when they came in. We had 15 minutes before read aloud so I let the kids ask Bob questions. It was so fun to sit back at my desk and watch Bob interact with the kids.
I had the kids raise their hands if they had a questions, if Bob called on them before they asked, they had to say their name. One of the first kids called on said,
" Hi my name is M and you are a lot more attractive then I thought you would be."
We had a lot of when is your birthday, what is your favorite color and what is your job? It was a lot of fun and they all loved him! Thanks for coming!!!!

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