Thursday, June 13, 2013

6 Months

- You are wearing mostly 6 month clothes.
- Still wearing size 2 diapers even though Dad thinks you are ready for 3's.
- You love to play "Patty Cake"
- Paper is your new favorite toy, you love to crinkle it up and put it in your mouth.
- You mastered sitting up. You love to sit and play with your toys and will sit for a half hour at a time.
- You don't really move when we put you down, you mostly stay on your blanket. You hardly ever roll.
- This month you had your first taste of food. Mom and Dad fed you some rice cereal at Grandma and -Grandpa Barber's house.
- Stayed overnight in your first hotel.
- Went on your first road trip, we drove to Washington, stopping in Idaho and Oregon on the way.
- Played with your cousins in Washington.
- Played at the park, went in the swing and down the slide.
- Got in your first car wreck, well, you slept through it.
- You love to go to Grandma and Grandpa Hales house and watch their dog.
- Started sitting in high chairs at restaurants.
- Had your pictures taken.
- Went golfing twice with mom and dad.
- Aunt Andrea helped you pet a bunny.
- You are finally sleeping through the night more consistently.

6 Month Stats:
(At 6 months 9 days)
Weight - 15 pounds 3 ounces 31%
Height  -
Head -

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