Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Snow Springs Christmas Party

Tonight was my work Christmas party. It was held at UVSC, some may call it UVU... but it will always be UVSC to me. Bob and I were a few minutes late, but my team saved us seats. There are 6 teachers on my team, but one didn't come. It was such a fun night. It was so nice and relaxing to sit and enjoy one anothers company without worrying what our students were doing. It was also fun to meet some of my coworkers spouses.

There was some youth group that put on the entertainment and they sang some great Christmas songs. At one point a kid started to hyper-ventalate and had to leave the stage. I was worried about him as I saw people fanning him on the side of the stage. Don't worry he made it back on stage later in the evening for his solo. They seriously were the cutest bunch of kids aka teenagers.

At the end we had to get some group shots taken by my class aide, Mrs. C. Not only did we get a group shot, but we got one of all the teachers. Mrs. C. thought that we shouldn't leave the guys out, so they got a picture together too. I was having a laughing convulsion.... It was SO funny. Enjoy the pics!Not that flattering of a picture, but Bob looks good!

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